Meeting Schedule

The TAC is scheduled to meet monthly, or as needed throughout the year, on the first Tuesday of each month.


TAC is composed of a representative from each school and major administrative department whose primary duties are to manage technical support within their unit. Ex officio members of the committee include the Chief Information Officer (CIO), directors of the operating units within Technology Services and the Director of Technology Services for the VCU Health System. Members are appointed by the CIO.

Unit Member Title
School of the Arts Bob Sandkam, Chair Director of Technology Support
  VACANT, Vice-Chair  
High Performance Research Computing Core Mike Davis Technical Director
College of Engineering Anil Chatterji Director of Information Technology
College of Health Professions Jeffrey Lodge Director of Information Technology & Facilities
College of Humanities & Sciences John Skaritza Director of Technology and Computer Support, HASTECH
Development and Alumni Relations Rob Downs Executive Director, DAR Information Systems
Graduate School Rochelle Jordan Director, Analytics and Strategic Initiatives
Human Resources Konjit Chitty Director, HR Information Systems
Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center Predrag Stojanovic Director, Information Technology
Office of the Provost  Rami Hatoum  Director, IT Operations
Research Jim Ward AVP for Research Computing, Research Computing Center and Division of Research Information Systems
School of Business Jason Chan Senior Director, Technology Services and Support
School of Dentistry Brent Idleman Director of Clinical and Instructional Technology
School of Dentistry Michael Talley Director of Application Development, Infrastructure and Business Intelligence
School of Dentistry Danny Tiet Senior IT Specialist
School of Education Pam Moorehead Director, Information Technology Services
School of Medicine (SOM) Lynne Jeffries Interim Assistant Dean, Technology Services
School of Medicine (SOM) Vann Wheeler Senior Supervisor, SOMTech Client Services
School of Nursing VACANT  
School of Pharmacy Larvell Davis Director of Technology
School of Pharmacy  Chris Garland Senior IT Engineer
Strategic Enrollment Management Michael Flanigan AVP for Strategic Initiatives and Project Management
Student Affairs Michael Miller Director, Technology Support Services
VCU Libraries Thomas McNulty Head, Library Technology Operations and Design
VCU Health Systems VACANT  

Ex Officio

Unit Member Title
Technology Services Alex Henson Chief Information Officer
TS - Academic Technologies Colleen Bishop Director, Academic Technologies
TS - Administrative Systems Marcus Mickle Director, Administrative Systems
TS - Administrative Systems Sean McGrath Assistant Director, Infrastructure
TS - Application Services Jim Yucha Director, Application Services
TS - Central Services Barry Lanneau Director, Central Services
TS - Central Services Derek Van Buskirk Administrative Specialist
TS - Information Security Dan Han Chief Information Security Officer
TS - Information Security Mayura Patel Deputy Director, Information Security
TS - Infrastructure Services Keith Deane Director, Infrastructure Services
TS - Office of the CIO Hannah Steighner Director, Office of the CIO
TS - Office of the CIO Corie Forrest Senior IT Governance Analyst
TS - Technology Support Services Sam Kennedy Director, Technology Support Services